Why 9/11 Doesn’t Matter…

By Jonathan Roseland

22 years ago the trajectory of history changed. What the conspiracy theorists got wrong, why the terrorists won, and how to fight for the future.

I recently watched a very well-produced documentary by obviously a very critical and thoughtful filmmaker. It certainly stimulates the spine-tingling cognitive dissonance that exploring the details of 9/11 should trigger for anyone who’s able to think for themselves.

I’ve watched (what seems like) ALL the 9/11 documentaries and WAY too many Alex Jones videos about 9/11. This has drawn me down a rabbit hole of Internet weirdness exploring conspiracy theories about…

  • JFK Assassination
  • Climate Change
  • Pizzagate
  • The Flat Earth Theory
  • The Mandela Effect
  • The Nazis and the Holocaust
  • The Rothschilds and Illuminati
  • The Jews and Zionism
  • Faked Moon Landings
  • Vaccines and Big Pharma

For me at least, most of these conspiracy theories are pretty unimpressive, even though they all contain a nugget of veracity. The level of evidence for the 9/11 conspiracy is so high that the rest of the conspiracy theories are pretty underwhelming. The case for a malicious conspiracy with 9/11 is so strong, that in comparison there are just gaping holes in the reasoning of these other conspiracy theories.

Yet after watching this most recent documentary, I come back to this question…

Why does it matter?

Let’s say hypothetically that…

9/11 was an inside job, traitors within our own government planted bombs in the building, all as part of a grand plot to erode American freedom, drawing us into endless wars that would ultimately usher in a New World Order where we would all serve as unwitting slaves of the Rothschilds, the Illuminati, or whoever.

What should I do about that?

They have (literally) almost all the money and military might in the world.

I’m just a 38-year-old website developer and writer.

I just have my laptop, my green tea, and my coconuts.

What can I do?

If such a diabolical force exists in the world, wouldn’t my attacking it really be tantamount to a mosquito attacking a tyrannosaurus rex?

If you are rational, you will conclude that there is not a lot that you can do about it. This is why a lot of people categorically disregard conspiracy theories — why waste the cognition on them?

Some people might say:

Don’t be so defeatist! Make a website, write a book, make YouTube videos, or try to wake up people around you!

There are a lot of other, more capable people, fighting the information war like…

I’m not going to do a better job of disseminating information than these guys — who I don’t agree with on everything but they are clearly very effective at pushing back against this statist global world order that is being imposed on us without our consent.

Instead, I think we should ask...

What is a rational response to a diabolical cabal of globalist elitists who conspire to commit terrorism, start wars, and enslave us?

I think it’s…

  • To be a highly disciplined critical thinker that questions everything mainstream.
  • Building a tribe both locally and on the Internet of like-minded people.
  • To free oneself of wage slavery by becoming an entrepreneur.
  • Biohacking with smart drugs, Adaptogens, antiaging supplements, or longevity tools and tech.
  • Make myself financially antifragile by using cryptocurrency or investing in gold.
  • Avoiding toxic foods and products of bad science.
  • Preparing for disaster and calamity.
  • Being highly skeptical of politicians - even the ones that tell you the things you want to hear.
  • Training my body to be physically robust.
  • Getting into and maintaining a supportive long-term monogamous relationship.
  • Healthy skepticism of institutional, entrenched power structures and establishments.

The rational response to a malevolent conspiracy is the personal development that you should be doing anyway.

 Of course, 9/11 matters.

Truth matters. Justice matters. Those nearly three thousand people who lost their lives that day matter. The first responders still suffering matter. What I'm getting at in the title of this article is that I’m not sure if the conspiracy theory matters anymore. I fail to see the personal development take away or actionable value from conspiracy theory documentaries if I already accept that…

The government is immoral.
The government is an organized criminal syndicate.
The government is fundamentally structured for corruption and moral hazard.
The government can and likely will spy on you.
The government will always betray you.
The government is in the business of inventing problems that it pretends to fix.
The government should be shrunken and its power should be limited.
The government is NOT to be trusted at all.

If my friends and family accept the above, is there any reason to try to convince them that 9/11 was an inside job? 

I’m pretty sure that almost everyone who could be convinced by the evidence of the 9/11 conspiracy has been. By continuing to talk about it, I’m not sure if we are doing more good than harm. I don’t think I’m going to try to red-pill people anymore with 9/11 truth.

What I will do is remind people that they don’t deserve freedom. Freedom is not owned, it is rented and rent is overdue.

I suspect that in the coming decades, the truth about 9/11 will bear itself out and it will turn out that bad actors in the US government played a part. And it will be met with a collective shrug by the country and the world. People just won’t care that much. The limited investigations that the authorities will do will find that the conspiracy was limited to very few bad actors who have already passed away. The ultimate I told you so moment for millions of red-pilled 9/11 conspiracy theorists will be a Pyrrhic victory.

Changing people’s minds is notoriously hard...

Especially when it comes to political and ideological matters. However, in the wake of upsetting events is actually the best time to try to red pill people. The day after the Barcelona terrorist attack, when everyone else was doing the formulaic virtue signaling with the hashtags and the flag filters I lost some Facebook friends with this vitriolic invective


And my own mother scolded me for not being more compassionate and sensitive to people I have casual digital acquaintances with who may have lost loved ones. I responded that it was not that long ago that I myself strolled Ramblas in Barcelona — it could have been me run down by that truck or you.

If I lose a few Facebook friends over it I couldn’t care less. I have real-life friends. I’m desired, cherished, and loved in real life because I’m the kind of guy who stands up for things. The best time to wake people up is when they are reeling from the cruelty of reality.

I have a degree of enmity for the conspiracy theorists because in my view they failed.


Their YouTube documentaries being viewed billions of times.
All the books and white papers they wrote.
All the 9/11 truth conferences and activism that happened.
All the friendships and Thanksgiving dinners made awkward by that one guy who insisted on talking about 9/11.

…the governments of the world were still able to use 9/11 as a pretext for this decades-long war on terrorism that has burned trillions of dollars and lives and accomplished very little. Without 9/11 and the resulting geopolitical events, Europe would likely not have developed all of its Islamic problems that have resulted in Draconian anti-free speech, hate speech laws being enacted. Through Google, the government can spy on our every word and deed through technology that has seeped into nearly every aspect of our lives.

It was said in the Soviet Union that the only time you could actually freely speak your mind was to your wife, in your bedroom, with the lights out, in bed in low tones under the covers. Well, now that we all use our damn smartphones in bed, you need to worry about the government spying on you even there!

I'll add that YouTube is RUTHLESS about censoring content - the fact that the documentary above accrued tens of thousands of views and wasn't censored off YouTube makes it clear that shedding light on the 9/11 conspiracy doesn't really challenge neoliberal, globalist power.

The 9/11 conspiracy theorists failed to prevent the government from doing that which is in its nature; constricting freedom. If George W. Bush was right and "the terrorists hate us for our freedom," isn’t it clear that…?

The terrorists won.

What to do about it…

There’s not much silver lining to 9/11, it was an atrocious and preventable act of terrorism followed by decades of losing the war for freedom. But I’ll try to end this article on an upbeat note…

For over 10 years, I’ve quite aggressively pursued personal development. I’ve spent a lot of time with like-minded men (mostly) who were on the same path to mastery. These guys are busy; working on their small businesses, honing their seduction skills, hitting the gym, raising their families, or doing meditation. Men who are practitioners and doers, not theorists.

Almost categorically they subscribe to philosophically robust freedom, I can predict their politics within a few seconds of sitting down with them. I’ve never met a serious political leftist who took cold showers, was passionate about personal growth, took Mitochondrial enhancement supplementation, or woke up early to hit the gym.

As Dr. Jordan Peterson said in a recent interview…

“The well-developed man is the antidote to tyranny in society”

I suspect that the conspiracy theorists tried to right the great injustice of 9/11 without equal devotion to personal development. You can do better.


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